Saturday, February 8, 2014

My turn at the doctor

I was at work Thursday and as I was walking out of the room to get more instruments, my right ankle hit the door frame.  HARD.  It was quite painful.  During the morning I had experienced some slight dizzy spells.  These have been happening like this over the past week or two.  I went on about my day on my hurt ankle.  Around 3:00 we had a break in patients, so I was setting up the room for the next procedure when I suddenly felt much dizzier.  I decided I better go up front and sit for a bit.  As I was walking up the hall, the dizziness got worse.  I felt drunk and honestly thought I was about to pass out.  It was really scary.  I walked a little faster and sat down.  I took some deep breaths and rested for about 10 minutes.  The dizziness passed and I felt fine the rest of the day.  I told Joe about it and he said I should see the doctor, so he called and scheduled me an appointment.

I told Dr. Patel what I had experienced and she suggested I see an ENT.  I'd been to see Dr. P a few times for sinus/allergy/ear ache issues and she thinks there may be a connection with the dizziness.  I'm waiting on Augusta ENT to call me and set up an appointment.  While I was there I had her look at my ankle and she suggested icing it, keeping it elevated and compression.  She said it would be a couple weeks before it was fully healed.  So I've got it in a compression ankle brace and trying to stay off of it.  It's not as painful as it was Thursday but I can barely touch it without it hurting.  I'm so afraid someone is going to hit it. 

I had another dizzy spell while sitting in my car waiting in line to pick up Trinity.  I was looking down at my phone and when I looked up I experienced it.  Also, Fred took us out to dinner last night to Bob's Cafe.  When we got there we sat at our table and the waitress brought out our drinks.  After a few sips of my drink I started feeling dizzy.  Thought it was pass quickly like they usually do but it lasted a bit longer.  I decided to take one of the pills the Dr. prescribed.  It passed after a minute or two.

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