Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snowmageddon 2014

I got several really good pics this morning with my new Nikon 50mm lens.  With the crisp white snow the lighting was great.  Bella wasn't quite sure what to think of it.  She nosed around in it for a while and then had a little fun chasing the 4-wheeler around.  Thankfully she posed with the kids for a few pics.

Looking out the front door.  What a beautiful sight to wake up to.

2 inches.  Not nearly as much as it was 3 years ago, but in GA we'll take what we can get.

Bella enjoying the snow!


All 4 kids in one pic!  Thanks guys!

This is as close to a snowman as she could get today.  The snow wouldn't stick. 

Would've been a much better picture if we had a new mailbox.

Joe went to Fred's and got a golfcart top and attached it to the back of the 4-wheeler.  Then he pulled me and the kids around the yard in it.  That's how we do it in the country!  I have videos but I have to figure out how to upload them.

             Our redneck snow sled. 


Current conditions. 

Took a ride to see the snow (and to scare me because the roads are slick) but grabbed this pic of the kiddos in the Sweetwater Park parking lot. 

I'm sure I will have lots of pics tomorrow. It's 10:00 pm right now. 

Adding a couple more pics from my phone that I took when we went out to play. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Scout pics

The boys talked about tool safety with Pinewood Derby coming up. Then they got to draw out a design for their car. 

Remember when you....

We all went to eat tonight at Huddle House for LJ's birthday dinner. He was doing the "tea challenge" with Alyssa and got a brain freeze. (He won though). He got upset and started freaking out. Then among his tears he asked me "why did that do that?!?"  He sounded so confused. Hehe.  Joe started laughing at LJ because of his question and I told him that next time his daddy got a bad cramp that he had permission to laugh. LJ thought that was funny and then said "like the last time daddy got a cramp and he farted?"  He said this loud enough for other people to hear and me and the girls died laughing. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

To Do List

I thought I could keep a list going on things I wanted to do, whether it be crafting or stuff around the house.

Yarn Crafts
1. Learn how to knit cables
2. Knit LJ a sweater vest
3. Try backwards knitting to avoid purling
4. Knit fingerless gloves
5. Knit socks
6. Make crocheted/knitted squares for a quilt
7. Knit a lace scarf 

Things I want
1. New lengths of cables for interchangeables
2. Size 11 interchangeable needles
3. Brown yarn for fingerless gloves
4. Cable needles
5.  Needle case for DPNs and circular needles

Sewing Crafts
1. "Swipes" covers for new electric dust mop

Around the house
1. New kitchen faucet with sprayer nozel
2. Drawer tracks repaired
3. Paint kids' bathroom
4. Paint kitchen

Love my weekends.

I had a good weekend. It was peaceful and relaxing. I started knitting a vest for LJ which I hope will be his Easter vest. I think it may end up being a little big but I figure its better too big than too small. It's a soft gray yarn I picked up on sale at Michael's. I also cast on for a pair of fingerless gloves. I've always wanted to try them but was scared of the thumb opening. I came across a pattern for a pair with a cable running down the top and fell in love.  I started on the first glove around 3:00 this afternoon and just finished up (7:00). Not too shabby for trying something totally new. The second glove should go quicker because I don't have to stop to read the pattern 100 times and scratch my head trying to figure out what I'm doing.  (I did alter the pattern a little by starting my ribbing at the top on the 5th row instead of the 7th.)

I got to keep Colton last night while Rick and Chrissy went to visit Ben in Athens. He was such a sweetheart. He enjoyed hanging out with LJ so much. 

We all camped out in the living room and had a good time. The girls came home in time to hang out before Colton left. Then the girls and I watched Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters. I love spending time with my kids.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Proud Mom

I got emails from one of Alyssa's and one of Trinity's teachers within the past couple of weeks that just made me so proud.  It's always nice to know that your children are well behaved at school.

This was from Trinity's teacher:

PS - I think Trinity is great! If I could have a classroom full of students like her, I'd never have a bad day.

In Christ,
Jeremiah Johnson
7C Cohort Leader
 And this is from Alyssa's teacher:

And, of course, your daughter is fabulous, by the way.   I wish I had 30 of "her" in my class room. Please feel free to contact me for any reason.

Happy New Year!

Jennifer Harrison

I couldn't be more proud of them!

On a different note, LJ got himself dressed for school the other day.  I usually pick out his clothes for him, but yesterday morning I asked him to pick a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirts from his closet.  He came out with a red plaid shirt.  After I helped him button it, he went back into his room and got a tie.  The tie didn't match at all, but he insisted on wearing it.  There are some battles that just aren't worth fighting.  I figured the tie would come off before the day was over, but when he got off the bus he still had the tie on.  I love that he doesn't care what other people think and he goes with his own flow.  


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Retail Therapy

After dropping the kids off at school this morning I decided to go to Wal-Mart for a little retail therapy to lift my spirits. The last two morning were stressful and I was feeling defeated!  I didn't have anything in mind to buy but when I got there and was cruising the aisles I came across the vacuums. They had a bagless upright. I looked up the reviews and they were 4.5 stars so I put it in my cart. Figured it would help with the dog hair on the couch and in the bedroom so it was worth it. It would make the house cleaner and that would make me feel better. I also found an electric sweeper type vacuum and got it for the living room. It seems like I'm constantly needing to sweep up the dog hair. 
They both seem to work well. I'm feeling better already. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Relaxing Day

The girls got back yesterday from their dad's house.  I'd recorded a movie and me and the girls sat down and watched it.  It's nice to sit and relax with the kids and watch a movie together. 

Report cards came home.  I'm so proud of my kids!  They all made the A/B honor roll.  Even LJ got all As and Bs.  I think I'll have to treat them for their hard work. 

Today I started knitting a new pattern for a baby dress.  I've looked all over Ravelry for days for a baby dress pattern and somehow managed to not see this one.  I'm so glad that I found it!  I was wanting to alter a pullover sweater pattern to a dress so I was looking for some inspiration when I found it.  I cast on at 9pm tonight when I sat down to watch the season premier of The Foster's and worked on a few hours.  I'm working my way down the skirt of it now.  Super easy and going very quickly.  I'm going to do another one and not make the button placket quite as long...joining the back sooner.  I plan to add a ruffle at the bottom in gray and then knitting a diaper cover in gray to go with the dress.  I'm glad I'm not afraid of trying new things in knitting anymore.  A year ago, I wouldn't have tried this pattern. 

The back

The front 

It's hard to tell but the yarn is a light yellow color. 

Edit to show the finished dress. 

I really wanted a gray button for the back but I didn't have one on hand so I went with this cute little flower button. It's a little too big for the hole so I may run by B&B cloth shop for a button next time I'm in Augusta. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

The things kids say

The kids and I were heading to get a few groceries last night when LJ pipes up and says "I wanna be a girl and be pregnant!"  The girls and I burst out laughing.  Silly boy.  Trinity then proceeded to explain how being pregnant made your feet and legs swell, how you can't sleep comfortably with a bulging belly, how you have to do bloodwork and shots and then the fact that you actually have to HAVE the baby.  She follows that up with "There's another reason you don't want to be a girl, but you can learn all about that when you get to middle school"  Haha 

So then the topic turned to periods and PMS.  And Trinity says "Mama, you're never grumpy"  Alyssa and I laughed then.  If you know me, you know I'm always grumpy.  I'm stressed to the max and as much as I hate it, I'm grumpy a lot of the time.  What she meant was that she can never tell if I'm grumpy because I'm PMSing or if I'm just my normal everyday grumpy. 

Wednesday at Cub Scouts LJ got to make paper airplanes and tin can telephones.  He also got to be the flag holder.  (He had a hard time keeping the flag high enough to not touch the ground) 

The boys all made 2 paper airplanes and then they had a contest to see whose plane would fly the farthest.  LJ's didn't fly very far, but it seemed to stay in the air the longest.  Then the boys paired up and put together a tin can telephone and tried communicating through it.  They had fun doing it, but afterwards LJ said he couldn't hear what Will was saying.  I saved two cans from dinner the other night so we could make our own this weekend and experiment.  I've actually never tried a tin can telephone.  The boys then talked about different ways to communicate.

Today I'm off work and I did a little organizing around the house and a short 20 minute elliptical workout.  Now I'm going to sit back with some knitting and try to relax.  My mornings are so stressful and I'm about at my breaking point.  The girls aren't bad, but LJ tries my patients from the time his feet hit the floor.  I wrote out each thing he needed to do in the mornings to get ready for school and explained to him how to do each thing and then check it off.  He liked the idea.  We started this yesterday mornings.  He wasn't so gung ho about it when the morning came.  It was constant reminder to check the list and do the next thing.  He really needs a good hour to wake up before he functions and I just can't afford that on a school morning.  He'd have to get up at 5:00 to do that and that's just way to early for both of us! 

This morning, I woke him up at 6:20.  It took him 20 minutes to get out of the bed and then another 5 or so to get into the kitchen to take his medicine.  I told him he had to get dressed and brush his hair and teeth before breakfast because he'd waited so long to get out of bed and that didn't go over well.  He pitched a fit.  It took him until 7:10 to get his clothes on and his hair and teeth brushed.  He then sat down for a bowl of cereal with only 10 minutes to spare before leaving the house. 

It's times that this that I just want to break down crying and ask "why can't I just have a normal kid?"  I look at pictures of friends who have kids the same age doing stuff that LJ can't accomplish on his own and I am envious.  I know I shouldn't be.  Things could always be worse.  He could be low functioning instead of high functioning.  He could have some disease that confines him to a wheelchair or feeding tubes or any other various medical concerns that take more patients and money and time that asperger's.  But I just long for normal sometimes.  I feel guilty because I can't imagine life without him. 

I need to get him back into OT and PT.  He's almost 8 and still can't wipe himself after a bowel movement.  He can't button his pants up.  He can't tie shoes. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Quiet Day

For a few hours yesterday it was just me and LJ at home. Joe had gone to Augusta and the girls were at their dad's house. LJ came to me with a deck of Go Fish cards so we played a couple games. I had bought one of those kid card holders and it worked great for him. He beat me both games!  

LJ got his birthday gift early. He got a new bike.  He hasn't gotten to ride it much because of the weather but he loves it. We went to the fire station to ride it a little where he had a good flat area. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Well on my way

One of my goals for 2014 is to expand my knitting knowledge.  Ever since I taught myself how to knit (Thank you I have wanted to knit socks.  Well, 6 years after learning to knit I've finally taken the plunge.  And with this new adventure I have tons of projects in mind.  Projects that I would've taken one look at and run away from.  I have a sense of accomplishment just from knitting one toddler sock. 

I'm doing a knit-a-long with a friend (who I wish still lived close as we have a lot of craftiness in common).  We're knitting a pair of socks for ourselves.  We have until the end of January to finish.  I'm planning to cast the stitches on the needles this weekend.  Tonight I'll continue working on a baby sweater for sweet Baylee.  Not too much longer before we'll get to meet her.